Monday, 29 April 2013
Dangerous Games-Terror politics Elections 2013
There is no doubt that Pakistanis of all hues are appalled by the unabated murders and terror that has been unleashed. Elections upon us, terrorists like TTP threatening and targeting specific party workers has developed a narrative, which is equally dangerous.
The self-proclaimed liberal parties have espoused a line that goes something like this: since the judicial murder of their leader ZAB and because we are secular (ANP) the Establishment is threatened and is against us. As a result the Establishment does not want these particular political parties to return to ‘power’. The terrorist groups ( e.g.TTP) are assumed to be under some influence of parts of the establishment; they are targeting these parties on behalf of the threaten establishment and non-state actors’ agenda. Further because specific political parties have not been targeted, they must be ‘favored’ by the Establishment and hence ‘pre poll’ rigging in their favor exists. Naturally this undermines the credibility of those political parties that haven’t been attacked by terrorists-thus far.
This thinking is currently, viciously and vociferously argued on the airs, social media and editorials. There are significant problems with this line of argument -dangerously so.
First. The most unfortunate and bone chilling murders of ANP workers have been condemned by all Pakistanis and including The PTI in the media and on the campaign trail interviews.
The death of the (any) brave political worker is a burden we all have too bare; their sacrifices for a better progressive Pakistan is on us all.
Second. There is little doubt from both Polls, anecdotal field feedback and an impression developed over 5 years of governance, the incumbent political parties, in all the four provinces, have miserably failed to deliver-promises they made to the people. This statement I would safely argue will find little challenge irrespective of whom we plan to vote for.
Third. It is safe to argue the incumbent parties have very little to show when presenting their case to the people of Pakistan. Besides the mismanagement, inability to challenge those very forces that are responsible for Pakistan’s terror woes inside and outside of Pakistan. Compromised by personal and political corruption the incumbent parties are on the back foot in front of the 87 million voters. How can they seek any favor or sympathy from the people of Pakistan?
Fourth. In this most unfortunate electoral environment the targeting of the incumbent political parties is most intriguing. Why would the terrorists target these particular political parties?
Why are the establishment and its non-state actor proxies targeting parties who have run the affairs for the past 5 years? Did these political parties bother them? Stem their growth? Marginalize their influence? Cut funding from within and outside of Pakistan? Stop recruitment inside Pakistan or eliminate training grounds in our schools and/or terror camps? If all these fundamental questions are answered, why would terrorists be ‘threatened’ by these specific political parties? If the answer is these incumbent parties were ‘unable to challenge the establishment and were helpless the chorally question would be why are you seeking political office again if you are unable to challenge what needs to be challenged? Further, while in power and hindered from governing in the interest of the people of Pakistan how would the next stint be any different?
What does actually threaten terror in Pakistan? Who actually threatens the forces of evil and terror in this country?
Sixth, there is one reason this sickness has been unleashed; who amongst these contending for our vote could possibly challenge the status quo? Certainly not the incumbents their records are plain to see. If PTI were a threat what would be the best way to undermine the movement?
Thinking never a strong suit of the Establishment, a game, an old familiar one is in play. Have political weaklings attack the new challenging political force. This is an old game the establishment has always played with the naïve morally bankrupt political class. Divide them and expose their ineptitude and have them turn on themselves. This would serve whom? Those who are most threaten by democracy. A clean leader with integrity who is uncompromising on Pakistan’s sovereignty is the biggest challenge to the Establishment and its handmaidens. A politician and a political movement that has integrity are unmanageable and pose a challenge to those who have run the state through its handmaidens thus far.
The ruse and a narrative purposefully promoted that PTI is supported by the establishment is a fantastic cover to actually strengthen those who are partners in this pillage. The incredible negative media campaign of bashing PTI/IK is more indicative of the fundamental challenge it poses to the status quo.
Thinking Pakistanis must begin to ask relevant questions. It isn’t about left or right in the traditional political spectrum. There is nothing left about the ANP & PPP today; and there is little ‘secular about a fascist party. Status Quo parties do not challenge. If we do not challenge the current establishment there will be no NayaPakistan, which is necessary for a peaceful prosperous Pakistan. The status quo has served whom thus far? Thinking Pakistanis democratic Pakistanis must begin to challenge the manufactured narrative which side steps the real aim. Ensuring the politicians remain weak, divided and manageable . This is in no ones interest except those who benefit from the existing system.
Don’t let that happen. Vote your conscious and support a strong, independent candidate who has integrity. Pakistan zindabad.
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How considerate of you to trivialize the killing of political workers and acc to you the narrative bears out of this killing harms the credibility of elections and not the killing of human lives lost because of someone’s ideology.. Also, you said “The terrorist groups (e.g.TTP) are assumed to be under some influence of parts of the establishment..” , I think you need a lesson or two in Pakistan’s political history, even mere newspaper reading would do as you simply disassociated the deep rooted military ties with such proxy groups. “‘unable to challenge the establishment and were helpless the chorally question would be why are you seeking political office again if you are unable to challenge what needs to be challenged?” wow! These parties are unable to challenge them while in power and PTI/IK doesn’t bother to challenge them while they are NOT even in power. And please don’t make a fool out of yourself; you know what PTI or IK said about them, not only that he gave the most naive justification of all that these terrorist groups are attacking them because they are on the side of US. And now IK’s and his likeminded politicians’ godfather too admitted that it’s ‘our war’, I don’t know what turn PTI will take now. I’m posting some links now which are full of denial; do tell me if they make any sense to you.
ReplyDelete"My threat is not from terrorists," he said” but from political mafias who are scared to lose the honey jar. I think they are capable of anything. "- and for more stupidity
"Benazir was not hit by the Taliban. Benazir was clearly killed by people worried she was going to come into power," -
PS. I would like to hear your opinion too.