Nilofer Afridi Qazi : July 2014
Bannu Observations
Recently I had the
opportunity to visit Bannu district where the majority of the 500,000 plus internally
displaced residents of (primarily from MirAli
and Miranshah), North Waziristan Agency have moved to escape the military
operation called Zarbe e Azb (apparently)
against the terrorists who continue to threaten the people of Pakistan.
This is not the
first displaced population I have seen or engaged with close up, but the
feeling of being overwhelmed never fails to leave. As one enters the garrison
town of Bannu visibly under the control of and closely monitored by, the
military roadblocks line all entrances of the town of approximately 1million (Pakistan
has not had a census in 15 years hence it is difficult to ascertain exactly), a
sense that a sleepy forgotten town has suddenly become the center of attention,
is palpable. The streets, single lane dirt roads, badly paved, potholes all
over are crowded with the new male residents, sitting on the roadsides on charpoys,
broken walls, huddled in groups all over town.
Some of the
smaller distribution points, of relief goods, from the world food program, are
recognizable by the haphazard lines of turbaned Waziris crowding around an area
for the relief goods. There is no sign of women local or visiting North Waziris
in these public spaces. The only women I saw in public was in the clothing
section of the main bazaar, 10-15 shops where shuttle cock clad women were shopping
for upcoming Eid, browsing through bangles, reams of cloth for their Eid
outfits or buying henna, heaped on carts, to decorate their hands in
celebration of the upcoming end of ramadan.

The collected data
thus far, suggests over 75% or ¾ of the internally displaced people are women
and children thus naturally, one wondered where are the women and children in
this small town? More importantly is the relief effort targeting women and
children? If these women are not visible is the effort seeking to find them?
I was informed any
attempt of the displaced women to access the distribution points has met with
aggressive denial; both the local Bannu elders and the Waziri men, they object
to women directly receiving relief goods or standing in ques alongside ‘others’
publicly. Hence after apparently a few violent incidents where men were seen
beating women out of relief goods ques the army issued a public notice that no
women would be allowed to come into the main
distribution point at the sports

The problem with
this is obvious, since there is absolutely no way to ensure women and children
are receiving the relief that is their share we have no way of knowing if goods
and services are getting to the most vulnerable.
Further there are
many, the numbers are unclear (Khwande Khor
has an assessment of 90 families in February 2014) women headed households,
widows, single women, women with elderly men/unwell men/young male children who
are unable to access these goods or services on their behalf. This was an
assessment they made before the operations started but the 1st wave
of IDPs had started to come to Bannu. There is an inter cluster (UN multi
sector assessment underway) which is suppose to provide a better idea of needs
across sectors which includes vulnerable families.

In the searing
heat thousands lined up (men only) like sardines in tight lines under a thin
straw canopy outside the Bannu sports stadium. Guarded and monitored by the
army these displaced citizens wait for days on average I am told 24hours/3days
to go through ‘security’ before they are let into the sports complex where the
largest of the 5 distribution points of both food and nonfood items are stored.

The following is the procedure of
verification for the internally displaced.
Go to
nadra office to share your CNIC card proving you are from NWA and receive a
blue (if from Peshawar) or Green (in Bannu) card proving you are eligible for
relief goods.
If you
do not have a CNIC card you will have to prove you are from NWA. This proof is
established at the District Coordinators office where two ‘maliks’ from NWA (I
assume they are from MirAli and MiranShah) who question you and ‘authenticate’
your credentials of the claim thy have come from NWA. Once you have the
verification card you may go to the distribution points to receive goods and
sports complex is the largest distribution point where WFP & various relief
charities have set up camps to give relief items. If you cannot access the
sports complex you are unable to receive the total available relief goods
offered to IDPs.
SRSP managing the NFI for WFP who also give another separate receipt, once a
package is handed
over, monitoring the family
member’s entitlement of receiving a monthly package for 3 months. This data is
uploaded in a database.

I saw separate
distribution tents for each ‘agencies’ donated by different agencies/government
officials/non governmental organizations:
1) UNHCR/World food program managed by Sarhad Rural
Support Program
Army/armed forces food packages
and water 

2) Army/armed
forces food packages and water

The armed forces
packages are food item
3) Best (a non-governmental organization)

4) Punjab
Government: food packages and water
5) Government of
Azad Kashmir
6) Zong/UBL
distributing cell Sims and separate counters for cashing the transfers once

7) Registration
desk of SRSP on behalf of Fata Development Authority to register IDPs &
register in the Database of WFP of the number of NFI distributed to which
families to avoid duplication.

7a) two women SRSP
registration officers in a separated tent to facilitate women

8) Lone social
welfare official, responsible for assisting and facilitating children, minors,
‘orphans, lost from families, traumatized or drop out from schools’; this
activity and department is currently ‘supported’ by UNICEF and will be further
strengthened by the induction of SRSP support staff.

A very obvious
observation is, since it is next to impossible to enter the sports complex,
unless you are male, have a CNIC card with a registration card, you cannot
access the relief goods or services on offer. Thus in light of the following
are not common in Bannu hence public messages are difficult to share. I did not
see any loudspeakers, or public screens giving relevant public information targeting
the internally displaced families.
are also uncommon amongst most families.
the host shelters primarily consist of the 600 schools across Bannu there are
no public information message platforms from which these people can access
I did
not see NADRA mobile units or any messaging from them in public spaces. It is
very very clear children and many of IDP men and women especially women have no
identity cards. The cultural barriers of accessing women have not been
overcome and this is highly problematic. Both for human rights and security
reasons the state cannot allow ‘cultural’ reasons to continue the deprive women
from their basic right to have an identity card which is a tool through which
they can independently access relief goods and services.
Sim card scheme is not accessible to women, both in terms of their inability to
enter the sports complex (this service is offered) nor is it ‘allowed’. Once
again the ‘cultural barrier of women having a ‘phone’ has denied them the cash
transfer of Rs. 7000 from KPK Rs.8000 from Punjab and Rs 30000 ramzan package
from the federal government is denied to women.
I am not sure how the majority of the Idp who may not
have CNICs, B-forms for minors, or do not have the physical capacity to stand
in line for days are accessing relief?
6. If you are a
minor, or a young adult there is no way of accessing the social welfare
services on offer INSIDE the sports complex to register your grievance. I spoke
to the officer inside the complex and asked him, how did he expect children to
get to him? He was visibly embarrassed and agreed but said someone from
outsides lets him know there are children who need assistance and he brings
them in? He shared some data: thus far since July 2014 1400 children had
been ‘registered’ as missing from parents, orphans, traumatized, dropout from
schools’. The services they offer are restricted too counseling, they have
one psychiatrist. Assistance in reunion with parents through the army. I asked
if providing them with a B form from Nadra was on the menu of services? The
answer was non-committal.
women cannot enter the sports complex. Their only access to any services are at
the other smaller distribution points which excludes the charity relief
packages, including the ZongSimcard cash transfers
thus far.
Outside of the Sports Complex
There are 600
schools in Bannu have become shelters for the internally displaced families.
These are also the centers in which non governmental organizations which are
allowed to operate in Bannu provide direct services, carry out surveys of needs
and provide some relief to women and children who are barred from public spaces
and the sports complex distribution point.
For example, SRSP
has a mobile truck service, which visits several ‘school/shelters/hosting
areas’ daily dropping off NFIs and providing information otherwise unavailable.
Thus far out of the 600 schools 250 have been visited. The problem is if the
IDP has no green registration card they are unable to receive relief goods.
Thus one hopes SRSP develops a list of these individuals/families so that nadra
can visit them in these specific sites to rectify this gap.
Another relief
organization, Khwande Khor also has made the rounds of these
‘school/shelters/host families’ to gather information and develop lists for the
relevant authorities to bring them into the net of the official data. The
cultural challenges have hindered efforts to access them and develop self-help
coping strategies/mechanisms. This will be a huge challenge to overcome in the
coming months when ‘friendly spaces’ are being designed to assist women to help
Another huge
challenge as a result of the ‘cultural norms’ has been in the health sector.
Because of the intensity of purdah women are unwilling to go or allow medical
professionals to assist. On the other hand there are next no health facilities
in Bannu, which are functional. The basic health units, district health units
and the public hospitals are primarily without health care professionals and
have little or no medicines. There are several case studies where panadol was
offered for a variety of ailments.
The barriers as a
result of the cultural norms will have to dealt with in any design intervention
with women and children. This will be a huge challenge. Women have no or little
concept of self-help, self-esteem or idea that they are able to seek or develop
skills to cope in this current crisis. The psychosocial assistance will need to
be designed at a very very basic level to introduce the idea of self-help.
I had an
opportunity to observe the following. These schools are in pretty bad shape,
hosting multiple related families. The water and sanitation situation is dire.
The challenges of not being familiar with the importance of hygiene, knowledge
of use of sanitation facilities and non-functional facilities available are
At the end of
August these schools are required to be available for the children of Bannu. It
is quite clear these facilities will need to be revamped in a serious effort to
restore them to some functional standard.
The educational
assistance for the IDP children will need to be aware of the following. The IDP
population is primarily illiterate. It doesn’t matter if they are children or
adults, men or women. The literacy levels are in single digits. Thus any
emergency education intervention has to keep this in mind. Multi age/gender
sensitive literacy programs. In fact many told me including Waziri children,
schools in NWA have been closed for the past 12-18months any way. I do not see
Waziri families allowing their girl children to go too far for educational
services either. Hence the new abode in which they will be transferred too will
need to be close to ‘schooling’ facilities if girl children are expected to
attend. Alternative models of home schooling can be developed if the local
teachers or NGOs are allowed to operate in Bannu.
Access to Bannu
Very few
organizations are allowed to operate inside Bannu. Without an NOC from FDMA
PDMA (cleared by the armed forces) no organization is allowed to operate.
organizations are banned from operating in Bannu, this includes most UN
agencies except WFP, UNHCR who also operate through partner organizations and
operate from Kohat or Peshawar. SRSP, Khwande Khor, Sabayon are one of the few
local organizations who have offices and are present in Bannu.
Camp management/lack of IDPs in camp
The message that the IDP have chosen not to live in
camps because of cultural reasons and also have the warewithall not too is a
myth apparently. The reason IDPs have not shifted to camps is because the state of camp management and facilities are abominable The camps
have very low quality shelter, water and sanitation facilities disconnected
from shelter facilities and infested with dangerous creepy crawlies with no
shade for miles. Further the armed forces refuse to allow professional to set
up or manage campsites. Furthermore camps
have been set up in inaccessible areas where movement inside and outside is
highly restricted. These restrictions will have to be lifted
(management of camps and developing better facilities) before schools open and
the current residents transferred to alternative shelter arrangements.
I would highly recommend Cash for Work
options developed for multiple services including developing camps for IDPs
moving out of the 600 schools; further, keep Bannu clean and for community
watch/security arrangements.

There are too many
young Waziri men doing absolutely nothing. This is undesirable for many
reasons. They lack basic life skills and this crisis will further exacerbate
In the Bazaar
There was normal
activity in the bazaar, indicating the local economy hadn’t been disrupted.
There were no relief items being sold which was a good sign that goods weren’t
been overly distributed. Although I later heard from Bannu cousins that in the
outer smaller bazaars some relief items have begun to be seen in the shops. I
did not see this myself. Media or on ground verification is necessary for this.
Nevertheless, food items are not in shortage in fact, there are
a lot of food items, which have
been stored by government.

There is curfew in
Bannu most the day, hence shopping is done at specific times and those allowed
to leave home are all busy buying before they are back under lock and key.
The food stalls
were full; fruit vegetables were available in plenty. There were many chemists’
shops thus basic medicines are available if you have the money and some
knowledge of what to take.
Khwande Khor Meeting

They are doing
excellent work and probably the only organization present in all 49 union
councils of Bannu district. They have networks of women and men and hence are
an excellent platform from which training and accessing locals and IDPs.
They have been
operating in Bannu since 2003.
1. Lift Restrictions on women accessing direct relief
goods/ cash transfer SIM facilities.
2. Increase the
distribution points. The current number are too few to cater for such a large
number of families.
3.NADRA to increase mobile facilities and
activity seek women and children to provide them with CNIC/B Cards. This
will have to be accompanied by innovative public information campaigns keeping
in mind information barriers in Bannu.
4. Cash for Work programs to begin immediately. There are too many young male adults, out
of school, work and just doing nothing. With the restrictions on NGOs/INGOs
from operating in Bannu there is no reason why this potential workforce cannot
be mobilized to both help and self help.
5. Partner with Khwande Khor who are present in all 49
union councils of district Bannu through their women organizations and men organization networks. They
have developed trust with the local families and have the ability to access
where others cannot.
6.Multi Sector Programs which targets the regressive
restrictive destructive cultural norms preventing women from helping
themselves. Life skills
both income/non income generating, hygiene have to be introduced. Many of the
barriers are cultural and hence whether education, hygiene, skills, access to
information all of these facilities will have to be designed keeping in mind
and designing programs to ‘bring out’ the women. These programs will naturally
have to 1st target the men/elders and the decision makers/army to
convince them these programs designed to encourage women to participate are
necessary for the well being of the family, community and purpose of Zarb e
7. Programs,
which will target families with local host families in Bannu, will have to
include those host families. Whether it is food stipends, or any other
direct services to avoid friction and discrepancies between IDP/host families.
8.Emergency Education programs will need to be
cognizant of almost 100% illiteracy amongst all age groups and both genders. Children haven’t attended school in at
least 18 months or not at all.
9.Currently the size of the family is considered to
include husband, wife and approximately 6 children. The reality of NWA
average family is 13-15 members with multiple wives. This discrepancy
excludes registration of wives 2,3 etc. and the size of the ‘family packages’
both in terms of cash transfers and food/non food items.
10. consider
relaxing the NOC for relief organizations especially those who can manage
‘camps’ and work with women and children.
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